Tips to Succeed on an Extended Fast
Tips to succeed on an Extended Fast
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably a seasoned faster looking for tips on how to take your fasting game to the next level. Or, you may be a fasting novice interested in participating in an extended fast in the near future.
Either way, you’re in luck!
Today we’ll be sharing the most sought out tips for succeeding on an extended fast! But first, lets start off with a quick review of some of the basics.
What is Extended Fasting?
It is fairly well known that fasting is any period of time where we intentionally abstain from eating food. There are many types of fasting regimens that one can follow to lose weight and improve their health. The focus of this blog post will be on extended fasting, which is generally referred to any water fast longer than 48 hours. To learn about the many other types of fasting options, please refer to our video below:
Length of Extended Fasts
The most common lengths of extended fasts are 48 hour and 72 hour fasts. These fasts are usually quite manageable and extremely helpful to our health when done periodically. Other, more challenging, lengths of fasts include 7 day, 14 day, 21 day, and even 30 day fasts! And if you think that’s impressive, the longest fast ever recorded was clocked at an unbelievable 382 DAYS!
Although the aforementioned fasting scenario was safe and the patient fasting was strictly monitored by a doctor throughout the duration of the fast, it was still a very unique and extreme case, one we DO NOT recommend you ever try unsupervised at home.
Benefits of Extended Fasting
The benefits of fasting are amplified in an extended fast because the body has more time to allocate resources to repairing and optimizing our organ systems, instead of having to stop, digest food, and constantly re-regulate blood sugar levels. This allows processes such as increased insulin sensitivity and autophagy, the recycling & disposal of damaged cells, to occur at a much higher rate. Extended fasting for autophagy is practiced by many individuals suffering from illnesses such as cancer and autoimmune diseases to promote maximum healing and longevity. Many people have also used extended fasting to combat obesity and have seen incredible fat loss results. Other benefits of fasting based on the length of time fasted have been summarized in the infographic below:
Who should not fast?
The following individuals should abstain from fasting:
Children under 18
Pregnant women
Breastfeeding women
Anyone who is malnourished or underweight
The following individuals should consult a doctor fasting:
People with diabetes
People on medications
People with gout
People with GERD
Note: Some people can still have adverse reactions to fasting even if they aren’t on this list.
signs you should break your fast
If you ever feel unwell during a fast, stop immediately and consult your doctor. Here are some signs to look out for:
Persistent nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Very high or low blood sugar
Dizziness, fainting, or extreme weakness
Rapid, slow, or irregular heartbeat
True hunger (a sensation felt in the mouth, similar to thirst)
Any instinct that something is wrong
How to prepare for an extended fast
Practice, practice, PRACTICE
You wouldn’t sign up to run a marathon if you were previously sedentary and had no practice running. The same concept applies here. Acclimate yourself by starting off slow. If you are new to fasting, try out a 16:8, 20:4, or OMAD fasting regimen. When you have mastered that, alternate day fasting (36-42 hour fasts, every two days) would be a great next step. Then once you’ve become an ADF champion, try aiming for a 48 hour or 72 hour fast. The more frequently you fast, the easier it will become, and the better your body will become at burning fat for fuel!
Find a supportive fasting buddy
Embarking on your fasting journey can be both exciting and nerve-racking. That is why we encourage you to find someone who understands the science of fasting to join you, or even just support you, on your journey. That person can be your partner, internet bestie, or even someone in the Health Coach Kait Community! Don’t be shy to reach out with a post about your journey or current fast. We always love to see our community members slaying their health goals!
Stock up on fasting essentials
An abundance of water, electrolytes, and fasting approved drinks will help you have a pleasant extended fasting experience. These essentials include:
Water (flat, mineral, sparkling)
Black coffee (hot or iced)
Unsweetened tea (hot or iced)
Lemon water (water infused with a few slices of lemon)
Apple cider vinegar (very helpful for regulating blood sugar)
Electrolytes (Sea Salt, Cream of Tartar, electrolyte mixes, & Magnesium supplements)
Note: Many individuals also enjoy bone broth during extended fasts. Bone broth can be very beneficial as it supplies the body with vital vitamins and minerals in a time where food is scarce. Also, bone broth fasting has been shown to reduce the possibility of refeeding syndrome, which is caused by sudden shifts in electrolytes (specifically Phosphorous & Vitamin B) that help our body metabolize food. This condition while rare, can be potentially fatal, which is why bone broth is encouraged on all fasts over seven days.
On a lighter note, let’s get on to the fun stuff!
Tips to succeed on an extended fast
Stay Hydrated
Drink water to thirst, plus two full glasses. It is recommended to mix your water with electrolytes (see below) to ensure it is absorbed as efficiently as possible.
Get enough electrolytes
Aim to consume the below mentioned electrolytes in the correct amounts on each day of your extended fast:
Sodium (5000-7000mg)
Source: Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt
Magnesium (300-500mg)
Source: Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium Malate capsules, once nightly
Potassium (1000-3500mg)
Source: Cream of Tarter, Potassium Citrate powder
Note: Electrolyte mixes make reaching your daily targets a breeze.
Stay Close to a Washroom
Hate to say it, but you’ll most likely be making frequent trips to the washroom throughout this fast. Make sure there is one accessible to you so you can avoid any accidents! And most importantly, never trust a fart!
Stay Busy
Keeping your mind preoccupied can aid you in curbing cravings while fasting. Working, reading up on the science of fasting, and exercising are all great ways to stay busy while fasting.
Sleep Well
Your body is working overtime right now. If you get the chance to take a nap, go for it! Some people find sleeping at night challenging while fasting due to increased adrenaline. If you are one of those people, try having a cup of chamomile tea to help you rest. Working out and staying active during the day also does wonders for better sleep.
Stay Warm
When we are fasting, our body diverts the flow of blood and energy from our extremities to places we need it most. This can cause many people to feel cold while fasting but it is perfectly normal. Stay warm with socks, sweaters, and warm blankets to regulate your temperature.
Share Your Progress
We humans strive on connections with others. Sharing your fasting progress with a supportive friend or group of like-minded individuals can be very satisfying and motivating as well.
Focus on the Goal
Remember that hunger comes in waves, so ride that wave! Remind yourself of your why. Remind yourself of your goal and how far you’ve come to accomplishing it. You can do this!
Know When to Stop
Staying strong doesn’t mean you ignore your body’s signals just to reach your fasting goal. There is no shame in listening to your body, ever! If your intuition tells you it’s time to stop, or if you experience any of the signs mentioned previously, please break your fast.
Refeed Safely
Refeeding is the process where we reintroduce food into our bodies after a period of fasting. Generally, it is encouraged to refeed for a period of half your fasting period to prevent refeeding syndrome and weight gain. When refeeding, remember to go slow and consume very low glycemic foods by the SPOONFUL, not plate!
For example: Suppose you were breaking your seven day fast. You would first enjoy a spoon of bone broth and then wait. If you felt well and hungry after an hour or so, you would have some more. Then and hour or two later, you would try a spoonful of avocado. Then another. Then maybe some homemade vegetable soup the next day.
The key to a successful refeed is to take it slow and closely listen to your body. You DO NOT want to scarf down a McDonald’s burger on Day 1 of breaking your fast! Keep practicing the self control that got your through this fast and you’ll do great. For more information on refeeding safely, check out this FaceBook group.
And that’s how you can succeed on an extended fast!
Now it’s your turn: Have you ever attempted an extended fast? What was your experience?
This website is for general informational purposes only. It must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.