7 Early Warning Signs of Prediabetes You Can't Ignore

Did you know that there are signs of prediabetes that show up 5 to 10 years before you're officially diagnosed? The earlier you catch the warning signs of prediabetes, the easier it is to prevent it, and type 2 diabetes later down the line.

#1 High blood pressure

Chronic high blood pressure is a strong indicator that you're on track to develop prediabetes. Over 50% of hypertension cases are directly caused by insulin resistance, which is a major factor in prediabetes.

#2 High waist to height ratio

If the circumference of your waist is high in relation to your height, this is another sign of prediabetes. A simple way to check this is to divide your waist measurement by your height. Anything over 0.53 is a red flag.

#3 Skin tags

Skin tags, which are different from moles, can develop around your neck, armpits, and groin. These are also a predictor of prediabetes. Insulin is a growth hormone, and when it's high for an extended period of time, it can cause skin tags to grow.

#4 High triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol

The levels of your triglycerides and HDL cholesterol can also tell you about your insulin sensitivity. A ratio of triglycerides to HDL over 2 indicates some insulin resistance and prediabetes potentially in the future.

#5 Irregular menstrual cycle

For women, high levels of insulin can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to irregular periods.

#6 Adult acne

Adult acne can also be a sign of prediabetes, as it can be caused by hormonal imbalances.

#7 Excess hair growth

In women, excess hair growth on the face, stomach, chest, and back can be a sign of prediabetes due to an increase in testosterone.

If you have any of these signs, it's important to see your doctor to get tested for prediabetes. Prediabetes is a serious condition, but it's also preventable. By making lifestyle changes you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


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