5 Blood Sugar Hacks Your Doctor Hasn't Told You About!

Balancing your blood sugar is a pivotal aspect of maintaining overall health. Whether you're grappling with insulin resistance, prediabetes or simply aiming for optimal wellness, these five blood sugar hacks can make a significant difference. Discover the untold secrets your doctor might not have shared!

1. Eat Carbs Last

Unveiling the simplicity of hack number one: consume carbs last during your meals. No need to sacrifice your favourite foods—simply tweak the order. For instance, if your plate boasts steak, broccoli, and potatoes, try saving the potatoes for last. By prioritizing protein and fat first, you naturally slow down carb digestion, resulting in a gentler blood sugar spike. It's an effortless adjustment with substantial impacts on blood sugar management.

2. 10-Minute Walk After Eating

Hack number two introduces a time-efficient strategy to combat blood sugar spikes—take a 10-minute stroll post-meal. This simple act empowers your cells to utilize glucose immediately, thwarting unwarranted spikes. Embrace the convenience of a quick walk around the block, and witness the positive impact on your blood sugar levels.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Magic

Hack number three reveals a little-known secret involving apple cider vinegar (ACV). Consuming 1-2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in water before meals enhances insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar spikes. This subtle addition to your pre-meal routine can contribute significantly to your overall health. Bonus tip: incorporating ACV before bedtime has also demonstrated efficacy in lowering fasting blood sugar numbers.

4. Cool Your Starches

Discover the transformative power of hack number four—cooking and cooling starches. From potatoes to rice and oats, allowing these foods to cool converts some starch into resistant starch. This unique modification reduces blood sugar spikes, and the longer the cooling period, the greater the conversion. Letting your meal cool for at least an hour, or ideally overnight, maximizes the benefits of resistant starch.

5. Hydration Beyond Water

Hydration takes center stage in hack number five, but not just any hydration. Proper hydration involves maintaining balanced electrolytes. While water alone dilutes electrolyte concentration, you can prevent the annoyance of frequent bathroom trips by adding the right electrolytes. Enter Sodii, a revolutionary everyday hydration solution formulated with the perfect balance of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Ditch the sugar-laden alternatives and explore the benefits at healthcoachkait.com/sodii (also in the description). Use code KAIT15 to enjoy a 15% discount.

Wrap up your journey to mastering blood sugar with these five game-changing hacks your doctor might have missed. By seamlessly integrating these strategies into your daily routine, revel in immediate benefits like sustained energy, enhanced mood, and sharpened mental clarity. You're not just making today better; you're crafting a healthier future for yourself.


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