Health, Insulin Resistance, Keto Diet, Carnivore Diet Health Coach Kait Health, Insulin Resistance, Keto Diet, Carnivore Diet Health Coach Kait

What 30g of Protein Looks Like (Top 10 Foods)

Protein plays a pivotal role in supporting your health, particularly if you’re striving to lose weight, reverse insulin resistance, or manage prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Despite its importance, most people fall short of their daily protein needs, often overestimating their intake.

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Carnivore Diet Health Coach Kait Carnivore Diet Health Coach Kait

Electrolytes on a Carnivore Diet: The Ultimate Guide to Electrolyte Balance

Switching to a carnivore diet can be a great way to improve your health, but it's important to be aware of the changes your body goes through and how to adjust accordingly. One of the most important things to consider is your electrolyte intake. Electrolytes are essential minerals that help regulate nerve and muscle function, hydrate the body, balance blood pressure, and rebuild tissue.

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Carnivore Diet Alisha Khan Carnivore Diet Alisha Khan

Meet Your Assistant Coach: Alisha Khan

My name is Alisha Khan and I work alongside Kait as your Assistant Coach. I am truly honored to work with someone as compassionate, qualified, and kind as Kait and am thrilled to become a member of this fantastic group of likeminded individuals. As I finish up my certification from the Primal Health Coach Institute, I look forward to helping you on your health journey, as I continue to work on mine.

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